Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sometimes i think wow, why would people do this and the worlds answer is Just because. Why would you do this,Because NO Thats not good enough i want facts i want to know why would you do this when you did this and How you did it.You might wonder why i start this post off with a rant, well plainly to let people know Because is not an answer it is an excuse to not tell why the did it, so i apologize for not posting the last couple days, trust me i had no acsess to a computer, tell me have you ever had to do something you hated.Well i did i had to rat out one of my best friends in the world, He could not stop lieing to any one he could And the final straw was when he lied to me and his parents he told them that he had left the house when it was trashed and almost destroyed Ans he told them that I Had done it,I told them any thing they needed to know and it was hard to tell the truth.But it was harder to tell a lie

1 comment:

  1. At least you didn't lie. One lie has to be covered up with more lies, and so on. Just stick w/ the truth!
