Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In The Beginning

Today I decided to start typing my thoughts on the web. Because what better way to express my feeling to people i dont know but hey what possibly could go wrong.Maybe They will understand myfeelings or will they ridicule me like every one else i dont know. So here we go i live an average life with average friends and average shoes average clothes and average well......... EVERYTHING. but maybe you will take interest as i type away my troubles. so the other day my buddy in class decided he would do a beat on his desk in class.Three knocks, thats all it took for him to get sent to the office. so as i wrap up my last thoughts i just want to say why, why do they do that to us

1 comment:

  1. This is a great beginning! You caught my attention by the way you described yourself -- Normal everything. I know you and I think you are an exceptional person. But I like how you are writing about yourself and you make your readers like you, because most of us feel we are just "normal". I'll look forward to reading more from you.
